Hey all.
I know I'm a newbie when it comes to the climbing stuff, but I figured I'd point out a couple interesting resources for the ADK that might help with trip planning (obviously in addition to Mountain Project and Adirondack Rock).
The Adirondack Rock Guidebook website has new routes, access alerts, extra pictures, topos and a really handy online topo map annotated with all the climbing areas:
http://www.adirondackrock.com/goodies.htm If the guidebook doesn't have a topo for your favored route, it may be online.
They've also published their GPS data at the link above and I've been using it to make a google map with all the climbing areas, the high peaks, some relevant trailheads, backcountry campsites, water sources, and maybe gps plots for the trails I've hiked before. (It's not done yet but it'll fill in over the next week or two).
https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=zi6HVw0v7c6Y.kzL3bsf1jbYQ&usp=sharing If you don't have trail maps for the adirondacks peak bagger has a nicely annotated contour map for the Adirondacks (and everywhere else too).
http://www.peakbagger.com/map/BigMap.aspx?cy=44.112857&cx=-73.923784&z=13&l=CT&t=P&d=6048&c=0&a=0&sx=-999&sy=-999&cyn=0And finally. There is a guy who goes by MudRat on a variety of forums who has explored the ADK rather extensively (including a slew of recent FA's in the relatively remote and spectacular looking Panther Gorge). In addition to the stuff he posts on mountain project his personal website has a wealth of information, including high-resolution photos of many of the remote cliffs with inset photos of cruxes and route-finding info. I'll link both to his home page, and directly to some useful subsections.
His Website:
http://www.adirondackmountaineering.comLink to a recent trip report establishing routes in Panther Gorge:
http://www.adkhighpeaks.com/forums/forum/adirondack-slides/slide-climbing-trip-reports/446796-panther-gorge-3-new-routes-on-haystack-side-2015-may-30Interactive Panther Gorge Aerial Photo:
http://www.adirondackmountaineering.com/46/panthergorge/panther-gorge-interactive-aerial.htmlA collection of information on slide climbing (including lots of 3rd and 4th class stuff). Scroll to the bottom for star ratings.
http://www.adirondackmountaineering.com/46/slideclimbing.htmlAnnotated Mosaic Pictures of Rock and Slide routes.
https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=7c2fb7a58ff611df&id=7C2FB7A58FF611DF%213067SummitPost Page on the Slides: