I was reading the mountain project page for Parasol Gully and came across this comment from user "GunksWest" (Todd Swain)
One of the ten best ice routes in New England. Fun climbing in a beautiful setting.
What are the ten you ask? Here's one person's list (in order of technical difficulty):
Parasol Gully (Dixville Notch)
Cinema Gully to Cauliflower Gully (Mt Willard; Crawford Notch)
Pinnacle Gully (Huntington Ravine; Mt Washington)
Waterfall Gully (South Basin; Mt Katahdin)
Black Dike (Cannon Cliff; Franconia Notch)
Dracula (Frankenstein Cliff; Crawford Notch)
Ragnarock (Smuggler's Notch)
Way in the Wilderness (K Highway)
Repentance (Cathedral Ledge)
Last Gentleman (Lake Willoughby) Mar 7, 2015
I've only climbed two of those routes, so who am I to judge...but what would make it onto your list?